Artist Strategy Sessions for Black artists, artists of colour, and those of the global majority.

Fieldwork is offering a series of artist strategy sessions (free of charge) for Black, people of colour, or those of the global majority, who are Welsh, Wales-based or interested in showing work in Wales. These 1-1 sessions will be led by Welsh artist Phoebe Davies.

These sessions offer artists space to discuss their practice and explore:

  • Strategy for sustainable career development (forging long-term support for your practice)

  • Arts partnership and touring consultancy (budget, schedules and production planning)

  • Fundraising support (application writing)

Each session is free of charge and will be shaped to the artists needs.

Available sessions can be booked below. Due to childcare commitments, these session are only available on the following dates/times.

Phoebe has worked in the arts for over 15 years with a practice that bridges education, research and producing. Phoebe is dedicated to supporting artists’ professional development and has a breadth of experience delivering projects for galleries, institutions, theatres and artist-led spaces. Her experience spans securing funding from Arts Council England, the British Council, UK trusts and foundations, development funds, international academic and arts partners, private giving and sponsorship.  She has led professional development workshops for numerous institutions including, Somerset House Studios (London), Spike Island Associates (Bristol) and Mostyn (Llandudno).

Key knowledge areas include: social practice, visual arts, film & video, sound, dance, performance & live work, print & self-publishing.

She has worked with hundreds of artists from all backgrounds and at all stages of their careers. She prioritises working with artists who have historically been excluded and may identify as: POC, queer, disabled, working-class, Celtic (with a focus on Welsh/Wales based).

All 1-1 sessions will take place on zoom and will be led by Phoebe Davies, a white Welsh artist whose first language is English. This programme is supported by the Bhebhe&Davies Education Programme and Create, Arts Council of Wales.

Welsh translation can be seen below.


If no sessions are showing in the calendar below, this means all the free of charge / subsidised sessions are currently fully booked.

If you would like to join the waitlist, please email Phoebe Davies at with the subject heading “Artist Support -Subsidised Sessions”

Strategy Session Booking

Sesiynau Strategaeth ar gyfer artistiaid du ac artistiaid o liw o Gymru neu sy’n byw yng Nghymru

Mae Fieldwork yn cynnig cyfres o sesiynau strategaeth (rhad ac am ddim) ar gyfer artistiad Cymreig neu artistiaid sy’n byw yng Nghymru sy’n hunaniaethu fel pobl du neu pobl o liw. Caiff y sesiynau 1-1 hyn eu harwain gan yr artist o Gymraes, Phoebe Davies. 

Mae’r sesiynau hyn yn cynnig gofod i artistiaid drafod eu hymarfer ac archwilio: 

  • Strategaeth ar gyfer datblygiad gyrfa cynaliadwy (gan feithrin cefnogaeth tymor hir ar gyfer eich ymarfer)

  • Ymgynghoriaeth ynghylch partneriaethau a theithio celfyddydol (cyllideb, amserlenni a chynllunio cynhyrchu)

  • Cefnogaeth codi arian (ysgrifennu ceisiadau)

Mae pob sesiwn yn rhad ac am ddim a byddant yn cael eu siapio yn ôl anghenion yr artistiaid. 

Gellir archebu sesiwn isod. Yn sgil gofynion gofal plant, mae’r sesiynau ar gael ar y dyddiadau/amseroedd canlynol yn unig. 

Mae Phoebe wedi gweithio yn y celfyddydau am fwy na 15 mlynedd gydag ymarfer sy’n pontio addysg, ymchwil a chynhyrchu. Mae Phoebe wedi’i hymrwymo i gefnogi datblygiad proffesiynol artistiaid ac mae ganddi brofiad helaeth yn cyflawni projectau ar gyfer orielau, sefydliadau, theatrau a gofodau wedi’u harwain gan artistiaid. Mae ei phrofiad yn rhychwantu sicrhau cyllid gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Lloegr, y Cyngor Prydeinig, ymddiriedolaethau a sefydliadau yn y DU, cronfeydd datblygu, partneriaid celfyddydol ac academaidd rhyngwladol, rhoddion preifat a nawdd. Mae wedi arwain gweithdai datblygiad proffesiynol ar gyfer sawl sefydliad gan gynnwys, Somerset House Studios (Llundain), Spike Island Associates (Bryste) a Mostyn (Llandudno).

Mae ei meysydd arbenigedd yn cynnwys: ymarfer cymdeithasol, celfyddydau gweledol, ffilm a fideo, sain, dawns, perfformio a gwaith byw, argraffu a hunan-gyhoeddi. 

Mae wedi gweithio gyda channoedd o artistiaid o bob cefndir ar bob adeg o’u gyrfa. Mae’n blaenoriaethu gweithio gyda artistiaid sydd wedi’u heithrio’n hanesyddol a all adnabod yn: bobl o liw, cwiar, anabl, dosbarth gweithiol, Celtaidd (gan ganolbwyntio ar Gymry/y sawl sy’n byw yng Nghymru). 

Bydd pob sesiwn 1-1 yn digwydd ar zoom a byddant yn cael eu harwain gan Phoebe Davies, artist o Gymraes gwyn sy’n siarad Saesneg fel iaith gyntaf. Caiff y rhaglen hon ei chefnogi gan Creu, Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. 


Os nad oes sesiynau’n dangos yn y calendr isod, mae hyn yn golygu fod pob sesiwn rhad ac am ddim / sydd â phris gostyngol, ar hyn o bryd yn llawn. 

Os hoffech chi ymuno â’r rhestr aros, ebostiwch Pheobe Davies ar gyda’r pwnc “Cefnogaeth Artist – Sesiynau Rhatach” Artist Support -Subsidised Sessions”